Project Description

Students are trained by four departments:

  • Department of General Psychology,
  • Department of Applied Psychology,
  • Department of Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy,
  • Education Department.

The school also includes:

  • Psychiatric Research Laboratory,
  • Research and development laboratory,
  • Educational and methodological studies in psychology and education.

Educational, methodological, research and training activities are provided by nine full professors, physicians of science and 31 associate professors, Ph.D.

Training activity

The school provides its students with all career development opportunities: it offers a postgraduate course, and has its own academic publication. Annually it holds a student research conference, carries out scholarships and research work, and has a student research community. The school focuses a lot of attention on the harmonious development of the student's personality in the academic, cultural and sports fields.

The school has a modern base to support information for the educational process and research activity, which is constantly improving. The school has established communication lines and Internet connections, and has created a database for computer testing. The school’s educational base enables its students to develop and improve skills and abilities in organizing and conducting psychosocial training, psychotherapy, and business to feel confident in the job market.

The school offers a master's degree program in Psychology (full-time and part-time training), on the basis of government system and at the expense of individuals or legal entities. Part-time training is only available on a contractual basis.

Research activity

The school conducts traditional research in memory psychology. This research field was started by P. Zinchenko. The School of Memory Psychology was developed by faculty members of the Department of Psychology and students of P. Zinchenko - S. Bocharova, L. Zitnykova, V. Liaudis, P. Nevelskyi, LM, V.

V. Riepkin, H. Riepkina, H. Sereda, and others. They not only applied a wide range of theoretical studies, but also applied studies, especially in the field of educational and engineering psychology.

In this field, a number of research work have been carried out, and doctoral and DSc theses have been defended. The School of Psychology is currently continuing to study the main issues of the School of Psychology, memory, in the first place, those processes that occur in both individuals and society as a whole (issues of organizing an individual's individual, collective and historical experience, and so on).

Besides, the field of developmental psychology was established. It studies the conditions, sources, regularity and mechanisms of mental development throughout a person's life. The streak of continuous development can be traced in the context of various social innovations, first and foremost - in educational innovations. Development is studied among the main types of activity of children, teachers, adolescents, youth and students (V. Riepkin, H. Sereda, O. Dusavytskyi, etc.). Fundamental research conducted in this field was widely used in the 1990s in building a system of development education in Ukraine, Russia and other countries.

In addition to the traditional basic areas of research, the school is actively developing applied fields, including political, medical, criminal, correctional, ethnic, and ecological psychology.

The traditional field of the Department of Education is the field related to the fundamental issues of linguistics, pedagogy and the personal culture of the teacher, student, and educational skills.

The school publishes the Kharkiv National University professional newsletter in Psychology, and "Academic Notes" of the Department of Teaching Fundamentals.

The main areas of research are: psychological mechanisms and regularity patterns of memory work, development psychology and development education, basic issues of pedagogy and pedagogy, the personal culture of the teacher and the student, and pedagogical skills. The school develops areas of political, medical, criminal, engineering, ethnic, environmental and commercial psychology. Students working in groups from the student's scientific community at school participate in the research work.

School graduates need psychological services. Today, psychology covers almost all areas of human life. Psychological knowledge helps in economics, politics, education, production, and social and personal fields.

Graduates participate in research, consulting, teaching activities and work in various professional fields, especially:

Educational and scientific institutions,

Employment agencies (employment agencies, employment centers, and employment centers),

Psychological counseling services

Law enforcement agencies,

In business (administration, personnel administration, marketing, advertising, public relations, etc.),

• Social organizations.


The Faculty of Psychology was established in 2000 and became the first separate faculty of psychology in Ukraine. The School of Scientific Psychology of Kharkiv University is associated with the names of prominent nineteenth-century scientists, including: Gogan Shad, LM Lyubovsky, P.I.Kovalevsky, OO Potebnya, DM Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, OO Hourly. An important prehistoric event at the college was the formation of the Kharkiv Psychological School in the early 1930s. The capital of Ukraine at that time was unified by AM Leont'ev, OR Luria, P. Ya. Halperin, OV Zaporozhets, and Pi Zinchenko, who headed the department of psychology at the university in 1964. In 1972, the university opened the department of psychology. GK Wednesday was one of the prominent scientists of the time, who headed the Department of Psychology until 1995. From 2000 to 2008 he was the Dean of the College AM Laktionov, who started research in the field of psychology for the individual experience in the national sciences. In this direction, psychologists of the Faculty of Psychology are actively working today.

At the same time, the following areas of research have been distinguished in the Faculty of Psychology: Memory Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, Sex Role Psychology and Modern Educational Techniques.


Today there are 4 departments within the college: Department of General Psychology (Head - VO Olefir), Applied Psychology (Head - IV Kryazh), Principles of Teaching (Acting Department Head - Associate Professor OA Zhukov), Department of Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy (Head of - AS Kocharyan); Laboratories: personal development and psychological diagnosis. The College provides vocational training for students in the specialty 053 “Psychology” at the first (bachelors) and second (master's) levels in higher education. Forms of study: full-time and part-time. There are 8 doctors and 28 candidates for psychology in the college. These are highly qualified practitioners who teach undergraduate programs. Student services include modern classrooms, computer class, library, and internet access.

Scientific work

The scientific achievements of the faculty of psychology are reflected in the pages of the Kharkiv National University Herald in the series "Psychology", the journal "Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy" and "Scientific Notes" of the Department of Teaching Fundamentals, which are included in the list of professional editions of Ukraine. The College holds every year the International Scientific Conference for Young People "vectors of psychology." International Kharkiv psychological readings are regular.

College students play an active role in the public life of faculty and university members. This event is organized by the College of Graduate Studies and Students of the Faculty of Psychology, which cooperates with the autonomous bodies of students in the college, namely: the Student Scientific Association, the Student Council and the Office of the Syndicates of the College.

Psyche newspaper is published on a monthly basis by students, student meetings and time club are held. Students demonstrate their knowledge and creativity in the annual college Olympics in Psychology and Research. College graduates are required in the psychological services market. Nowadays, psychology covers almost all areas of human life, and psychological knowledge is used in economics, politics, education, industry, and social and personal fields. They work in various professional fields: educational and scientific institutions, employment agencies (employment agencies, IT companies, employment centers and professional occupations), psychological counseling services, helplines, law enforcement, business (management, personnel administration, marketing), advertising , Public relations), Social organizations, and more.


We hope Petrovna Kreidon
Professor of Psychological Sciences, Professor
Phone: 37-51-707
Address: Freedom Square 6, Kharkiv, 61022
Room: 445